Error in Render: "Typeerror: Cannot Read Property 'create' of Undefined" Vue

@monaco-editor/react · monthly downloads gitHub license npm version PRs welcome

Monaco Editor for React · use the monaco-editor in whatsoever React application without needing to use webpack (or rollup/parcel/etc) configuration files / plugins

multi-model editor is already supported; enjoy it ๐ŸŽ‰
๐ŸŽ‰ version v4 is here - to see what'due south new in the new version and how to migrate from v3, please read this md (also, if yous need the old version README, information technology'due south hither)
๐ŸŽ‰ the new department Evolution / Playground has been created - at present y'all can run the playground and play with the internals of the library
๐ŸŽ‰ information technology's already integrated with @monaco-editor/loader


Monaco editor wrapper for like shooting fish in a barrel/1-line integration with any React application without needing to use webpack (or whatever other module bundler) configuration files / plugins. Information technology can be used with apps generated by create-react-app, create-snowpack-app, vite, Side by side.js or any other app generators - you don't need to eject or rewire them. You can utilize it fifty-fifty from CDN without bundlers


The monaco-editor is a well-known web technology based lawmaking editor that powers VS Code. This library handles the setup process of the monaco-editor and provides a clean API to interact with monaco from whatsoever React environment


Check it out!


  • Installation
  • Introduction
  • Usage
    • Simple usage
    • Become value
    • editor instance
    • monaco instance
    • useMonaco
    • loader/config
    • Multi-model editor
    • onValidate
    • Notes
      • For electron users
      • For Next.js users
    • Create your own editor!
  • Development / Playground
  • Props
    • Editor
    • Diff Editor


npm install @monaco-editor/react            


yarn add @monaco-editor/react

or you tin employ CDN. Here is an case

NOTE: For TypeScript type definitions, this package uses the monaco-editor package equally a peer dependency. And so, if you demand types and don't already have the monaco-editor bundle installed, y'all volition demand to exercise and so


Too types, the library exports Editorand DiffEditor components, as well equally the loader utility and the useMonaco claw:

              import              Editor              ,              {              DiffEditor              ,              useMonaco              ,              loader              }              from              "@monaco-editor/react"              ;            


Unproblematic usage

Here is an example of a elementary integration of monaco editor with a React project.
You merely need to import and render the Editor component:

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.return(

, rootElement); ">
                import                React                from                "react"                ;                import                ReactDOM                from                "react-dom"                ;                import                Editor                from                "@monaco-editor/react"                ;                function                App                (                )                {                return                (                <                Editor                height                =                "90vh"                defaultLanguage                =                "javascript"                defaultValue                =                "// some annotate"                /                >                )                ;                }                const                rootElement                =                document                .                getElementById                (                "root"                )                ;                ReactDOM                .                render                (                <                App                /                >                ,                rootElement                )                ;              


Extended example

console.log('onValidate:', marker.message)); } return (

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render(, rootElement); ">
                    import                    React                    from                    "react"                    ;                    import                    ReactDOM                    from                    "react-dom"                    ;                    import                    Editor                    from                    "@monaco-editor/react"                    ;                    function                    App                    (                    )                    {                    role                    handleEditorChange                    (                    value                    ,                    event                    )                    {                    // here is the electric current value                    }                    role                    handleEditorDidMount                    (                    editor                    ,                    monaco                    )                    {                    panel                    .                    log                    (                    "onMount: the editor case:"                    ,                    editor                    )                    ;                    console                    .                    log                    (                    "onMount: the monaco example:"                    ,                    monaco                    )                    }                    function                    handleEditorWillMount                    (                    monaco                    )                    {                    console                    .                    log                    (                    "beforeMount: the monaco case:"                    ,                    monaco                    )                    ;                    }                    function                    handleEditorValidation                    (                    markers                    )                    {                    // model markers                    // markers.forEach(mark => console.log('onValidate:', marking.bulletin));                    }                    return                    (                    <                    Editor                    tiptop                    =                    "90vh"                    defaultLanguage                    =                    "javascript"                    defaultValue                    =                    "// some comment"                    onChange                    =                    {                    handleEditorChange                    }                    onMount                    =                    {                    handleEditorDidMount                    }                    beforeMount                    =                    {                    handleEditorWillMount                    }                    onValidate                    =                    {                    handleEditorValidation                    }                    /                    >                    )                    ;                    }                    const                    rootElement                    =                    document                    .                    getElementById                    (                    "root"                    )                    ;                    ReactDOM                    .                    render                    (                    <                    App                    /                    >                    ,                    rootElement                    )                    ;                  


Get value

There are two options to get the current value:

  1. become the current model value from the editor instance
); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.return(, rootElement); ">
                  import                  React                  ,                  {                  useRef                  }                  from                  "react"                  ;                  import                  ReactDOM                  from                  "react-dom"                  ;                  import                  Editor                  from                  "@monaco-editor/react"                  ;                  office                  App                  (                  )                  {                  const                  editorRef                  =                  useRef                  (                  goose egg                  )                  ;                  role                  handleEditorDidMount                  (                  editor                  ,                  monaco                  )                  {                  editorRef                  .                  electric current                  =                  editor                  ;                  }                  function                  showValue                  (                  )                  {                  alert                  (                  editorRef                  .                  electric current                  .                  getValue                  (                  )                  )                  ;                  }                  return                  (                  <                  >                  <                  push button                  onClick                  =                  {                  showValue                  }                  >Show value<                  /                  button                  >                  <                  Editor                  acme                  =                  "90vh"                  defaultLanguage                  =                  "javascript"                  defaultValue                  =                  "// some comment"                  onMount                  =                  {                  handleEditorDidMount                  }                  /                  >                  <                  /                  >                  )                  ;                  }                  const                  rootElement                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "root"                  )                  ;                  ReactDOM                  .                  render                  (                  <                  App                  /                  >                  ,                  rootElement                  )                  ;                


  1. get the current model value via onChange prop

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render(

, rootElement); ">
                import                React                from                "react"                ;                import                ReactDOM                from                "react-dom"                ;                import                Editor                from                "@monaco-editor/react"                ;                function                App                (                )                {                part                handleEditorChange                (                value                ,                event                )                {                panel                .                log                (                "here is the current model value:"                ,                value                )                ;                }                return                (                <                Editor                height                =                "90vh"                defaultLanguage                =                "javascript"                defaultValue                =                "// some comment"                onChange                =                {                handleEditorChange                }                /                >                )                ;                }                const                rootElement                =                document                .                getElementById                (                "root"                )                ;                ReactDOM                .                render                (                <                App                /                >                ,                rootElement                )                ;              


(get the `DiffEditor` values via `editor` instance)
); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.return(, rootElement); ">
                    import                    React                    ,                    {                    useRef                    }                    from                    "react"                    ;                    import                    ReactDOM                    from                    "react-dom"                    ;                    import                    {                    DiffEditor                    }                    from                    "@monaco-editor/react"                    ;                    role                    App                    (                    )                    {                    const                    diffEditorRef                    =                    useRef                    (                    null                    )                    ;                    part                    handleEditorDidMount                    (                    editor                    ,                    monaco                    )                    {                    diffEditorRef                    .                    current                    =                    editor                    ;                    }                    function                    showOriginalValue                    (                    )                    {                    alert                    (                    diffEditorRef                    .                    electric current                    .                    getOriginalEditor                    (                    )                    .                    getValue                    (                    )                    )                    ;                    }                    function                    showModifiedValue                    (                    )                    {                    warning                    (                    diffEditorRef                    .                    current                    .                    getModifiedEditor                    (                    )                    .                    getValue                    (                    )                    )                    ;                    }                    render                    (                    <                    >                    <                    button                    onClick                    =                    {                    showOriginalValue                    }                    >prove original value<                    /                    button                    >                    <                    button                    onClick                    =                    {                    showModifiedValue                    }                    >evidence modified value<                    /                    button                    >                    <                    DiffEditor                    elevation                    =                    "90vh"                    defaultLanguage                    =                    "javascript"                    original                    =                    "// the original code"                    modified                    =                    "// the modified code"                    onMount                    =                    {                    handleEditorDidMount                    }                    /                    >                    <                    /                    >                    )                    ;                    }                    const                    rootElement                    =                    document                    .                    getElementById                    (                    "root"                    )                    ;                    ReactDOM                    .                    render                    (                    <                    App                    /                    >                    ,                    rootElement                    )                    ;                  


editor instance

The editor example is exposed from the onMount prop as a first parameter, the 2nd is the monaco case

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render(

, rootElement); ">
                import                React                ,                {                useRef                }                from                "react"                ;                import                ReactDOM                from                "react-dom"                ;                import                Editor                from                "@monaco-editor/react"                ;                role                App                (                )                {                const                editorRef                =                useRef                (                null                )                ;                role                handleEditorDidMount                (                editor                ,                monaco                )                {                // hither is the editor case                // y'all can store it in `useRef` for further usage                editorRef                .                current                =                editor                ;                }                return                (                <                Editor                height                =                "90vh"                defaultLanguage                =                "javascript"                defaultValue                =                "// some comment"                onMount                =                {                handleEditorDidMount                }                /                >                )                ;                }                const                rootElement                =                certificate                .                getElementById                (                "root"                )                ;                ReactDOM                .                render                (                <                App                /                >                ,                rootElement                )                ;              


monaco example

At that place are three options to go the monaco case:

  1. via onMount/beforeMount

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render(

, rootElement); ">
                import                React                ,                {                useRef                }                from                "react"                ;                import                ReactDOM                from                "react-dom"                ;                import                Editor                from                "@monaco-editor/react"                ;                function                App                (                )                {                const                monacoRef                =                useRef                (                nothing                )                ;                office                handleEditorWillMount                (                monaco                )                {                // here is the monaco instance                // exercise something before editor is mounted                monaco                .                languages                .                typescript                .                javascriptDefaults                .                setEagerModelSync                (                truthful                )                ;                }                function                handleEditorDidMount                (                editor                ,                monaco                )                {                // hither is another way to become monaco instance                // you can also store it in `useRef` for further usage                monacoRef                .                current                =                editor                ;                }                return                (                <                Editor                height                =                "90vh"                defaultLanguage                =                "javascript"                defaultValue                =                "// some comment"                beforeMount                =                {                handleEditorWillMount                }                onMount                =                {                handleEditorDidMount                }                /                >                )                ;                }                const                rootElement                =                certificate                .                getElementById                (                "root"                )                ;                ReactDOM                .                render                (                <                App                /                >                ,                rootElement                )                ;              


  1. via loader utility

console.log("here is the monaco isntance:", monaco)); ">

              import              {              loader              }              from              "@monaco-editor/react"              ;              loader              .              init              (              )              .              then              (              monaco              =>              panel              .              log              (              "here is the monaco isntance:"              ,              monaco              )              )              ;            


  1. via useMonaco claw

{ if (monaco) { console.log("here is the monaco isntance:", monaco); } }, [monaco]); return (

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render(, rootElement); ">
                  import                  React                  from                  "react"                  ;                  import                  ReactDOM                  from                  "react-dom"                  ;                  import                  Editor                  ,                  {                  useMonaco                  }                  from                  "@monaco-editor/react"                  ;                  function                  App                  (                  )                  {                  const                  monaco                  =                  useMonaco                  (                  )                  ;                  useEffect                  (                  (                  )                  =>                  {                  if                  (                  monaco                  )                  {                  console                  .                  log                  (                  "here is the monaco isntance:"                  ,                  monaco                  )                  ;                  }                  }                  ,                  [                  monaco                  ]                  )                  ;                  return                  (                  <                  Editor                  top                  =                  "90vh"                  defaultValue                  =                  "// some comment"                  defaultLanguage                  =                  "javascript"                  /                  >                  )                  ;                  }                  const                  rootElement                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "root"                  )                  ;                  ReactDOM                  .                  return                  (                  <                  App                  /                  >                  ,                  rootElement                  )                  ;                



useMonaco is a React hook that returns the instance of the monaco. Only at that place is an important note that should exist considered: the initialization process is being handled by the loader utility (the reference of @monaco-editor/loader): that process is beingness done asynchronously and but once. So, if the first initiator of the initialization is useMonaco hook, the first returned value will exist null, due to its asynchronous installation. Just bank check the returned value of useMonaco

{ // do conditional chaining monaco?.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.setEagerModelSync(truthful); // or make sure that it exists by other ways if (monaco) { console.log("here is the monaco example:", monaco); } }, [monaco]); render (

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render(, rootElement); ">
                  import                  React                  ,                  {                  useEffect                  }                  from                  "react"                  ;                  import                  ReactDOM                  from                  "react-dom"                  ;                  import                  Editor                  ,                  {                  useMonaco                  }                  from                  "@monaco-editor/react"                  ;                  office                  App                  (                  )                  {                  const                  monaco                  =                  useMonaco                  (                  )                  ;                  useEffect                  (                  (                  )                  =>                  {                  // practise conditional chaining                  monaco                  ?.                  languages                  .                  typescript                  .                  javascriptDefaults                  .                  setEagerModelSync                  (                  true                  )                  ;                  // or make sure that information technology exists by other ways                  if                  (                  monaco                  )                  {                  panel                  .                  log                  (                  "here is the monaco example:"                  ,                  monaco                  )                  ;                  }                  }                  ,                  [                  monaco                  ]                  )                  ;                  return                  (                  <                  Editor                  height                  =                  "90vh"                  defaultValue                  =                  "// some comment"                  defaultLanguage                  =                  "javascript"                  /                  >                  )                  ;                  }                  const                  rootElement                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "root"                  )                  ;                  ReactDOM                  .                  return                  (                  <                  App                  /                  >                  ,                  rootElement                  )                  ;                



The library exports (named) the utility chosen loader. Basically, it's the reference of @monaco-editor/loader. By default, monaco files are beingness downloaded from CDN. There is an ability to change this beliefs, and other things concerning the AMD loader of monaco. We accept a default config file that you lot can modify past the style shown below:

              import              {              loader              }              from              "@monaco-editor/react"              ;              // you tin can change the source of the monaco files              loader              .              config              (              {              paths:              {              vs:              "..."              }              }              )              ;              // y'all tin configure the locales              loader              .              config              (              {              "vs/nls":              {              availableLanguages:              {              "*":              "de"              }              }              }              )              ;              // or              loader              .              config              (              {              paths:              {              vs:              "..."              ,              }              ,              "vs/nls"              :              {              availableLanguages:              {              "*":              "de"              ,              }              ,              }              ,              }              )              ;            


Notation: your passed object will exist deeply merged with the default ane

Multi-model editor

When y'all render the Editor component, a default model is existence created. It's of import to mention that when you lot change the linguistic communication or value props, they affect the same model that has been car-created at the mountain of the component. In most cases information technology's okay, merely the developers face problems when they want to implement a multi-model editor to back up tabs/files similar in IDEs. And previously to handle multiple models they had to do it manually and out of the component. Now, the multi-model API is supported ๐ŸŽ‰ Let's check how it works. There are iii parameters to create a model - value, language and path (monaco.editor.createModel(value, linguistic communication, monaco.Uri.parse(path))). You can consider last one (path) as an identifier for the model. The Editor component, now, has a path prop. When you lot specify a path prop, the Editor component checks if it has a model by that path or not. If yeah, the existing model will exist shown, otherwise, a new 1 will be created (and stored). Using this technique you tin can represent your files with paths, and create a fully multi-model editor. You can open your file, practice some changes, choose another file, and when you come up dorsum to the start ane the previous model will exist shown with the whole view state, text selection, undo stack, whorl position, etc. (simple demo)

Here is a unproblematic example: allow'south imagine we have a JSON like representation of some file structure, something like this:

              const              files              =              {              "script.js":              {              name:              "script.js"              ,              language:              "javascript"              ,              value:              someJSCodeExample              ,              }              ,              "manner.css":              {              name:              "style.css"              ,              language:              "css"              ,              value:              someCSSCodeExample              ,              }              ,              "index.html":              {              proper noun:              "index.html"              ,              linguistic communication:              "html"              ,              value:              someHTMLCodeExample              ,              }              ,              }            

And here is our simple multi-model editor implementation:

); } const rootElement = document.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.render(, rootElement); ">
                  import                  React                  from                  "react"                  ;                  import                  ReactDOM                  from                  "react-dom"                  ;                  import                  Editor                  from                  "@monaco-editor/react"                  ;                  office                  App                  (                  )                  {                  const                  [                  fileName                  ,                  setFileName                  ]                  =                  useState                  (                  "script.js"                  )                  ;                  const                  file                  =                  files                  [                  fileName                  ]                  ;                  return                  (                  <                  >                  <                  push                  disabled                  =                  {                  fileName                  ===                  "script.js"                  }                  onClick                  =                  {                  (                  )                  =>                  setFileName                  (                  "script.js"                  )                  }                  >script.js<                  /                  push                  >                  <                  push                  disabled                  =                  {                  fileName                  ===                  "style.css"                  }                  onClick                  =                  {                  (                  )                  =>                  setFileName                  (                  "way.css"                  )                  }                  >style.css<                  /                  push                  >                  <                  button                  disabled                  =                  {                  fileName                  ===                  "index.html"                  }                  onClick                  =                  {                  (                  )                  =>                  setFileName                  (                  "index.html"                  )                  }                  >index.html<                  /                  button                  >                  <                  Editor                  elevation                  =                  "80vh"                  theme                  =                  "vs-night"                  path                  =                  {                  file                  .                  name                  }                  defaultLanguage                  =                  {                  file                  .                  language                  }                  defaultValue                  =                  {                  file                  .                  value                  }                  /                  >                  <                  /                  >                  )                  ;                  }                  const                  rootElement                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "root"                  )                  ;                  ReactDOM                  .                  render                  (                  <                  App                  /                  >                  ,                  rootElement                  )                  ;                

The backdrop:

  • defaultValue
  • defaultLanguage
  • defaultPath
  • value
  • language
  • path
  • saveViewState

volition give you more flexibility in working with a multi-model editor.


defaultValue, defaultLanguage, and defaultPath are being considered only during a new model cosmos
value, linguistic communication, and path are existence tracked the whole time
saveViewState is an indicator whether to save the models' view states betwixt model changes or not



onValidate is an boosted property. An event is emitted when the content of the electric current model is changed and the electric current model markers are prepare. It will be fired with the current model markers

console.log("onValidate:", mark.message)); } return (

); } const rootElement = certificate.getElementById("root"); ReactDOM.return(, rootElement); ">
                  import                  React                  from                  "react"                  ;                  import                  ReactDOM                  from                  "react-dom"                  ;                  import                  Editor                  from                  "@monaco-editor/react"                  ;                  function                  App                  (                  )                  {                  function                  handleEditorValidation                  (                  markers                  )                  {                  // model markers                  markers                  .                  forEach                  (                  marking                  =>                  console                  .                  log                  (                  "onValidate:"                  ,                  mark                  .                  message                  )                  )                  ;                  }                  return                  (                  <                  Editor                  height                  =                  "90vh"                  defaultLanguage                  =                  "javascript"                  defaultValue                  =                  "// let'due south write some broken code ๐Ÿ˜ˆ"                  onValidate                  =                  {                  handleEditorValidation                  }                  /                  >                  )                  ;                  }                  const                  rootElement                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "root"                  )                  ;                  ReactDOM                  .                  render                  (                  <                  App                  /                  >                  ,                  rootElement                  )                  ;                


Information technology's important to mention that according to monaco-editor, the whole supported languages are divided into two groups:

  1. languages that have rich IntelliSense and validation
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • LESS
  • SCSS
  • JSON
  • HTML
  1. languages with only basic syntax colorization
  • XML
  • PHP
  • C#
  • C++
  • Razor
  • Markdown
  • Unequal
  • Java
  • VB
  • CoffeeScript
  • Handlebars
  • Batch
  • Pug
  • F#
  • Lua
  • Powershell
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • SASS
  • R
  • Objective-C

As you can approximate, onValidate prop will work only with the languages from the commencement grouping


For electron users

As a usual React component, this one also works fine with an electron-react environment, without need to accept a webpack configuration or other extra things. But there are several cases that developers commonly face to and sometimes it can exist disruptive. Here they are:

  1. You lot see loading screen stuck Usually, information technology's because your environs doesn't permit you to load external sources. By default, it loads monaco sources from CDN. You can come across the default configuration. Merely sure you can modify that behavior; the library is fully configurable. Read about information technology here. And then, if you want to download it from your local files, yous can exercise it like this:
              import              {              loader              }              from              "@monaco-editor/react"              ;              loader              .              config              (              {              paths:              {              vs:              "../path-to-monaco"              }              }              )              ;            
  1. Based on your electron surroundings it can exist required to have an absolute URL The utility function taken from here can help yous to achieve that. Let's imagine yous have monaco-editor package installed and you want to load monaco from the node_modules rather than from CDN: in that case, you tin can write something like this:
              function              ensureFirstBackSlash              (              str              )              {              return              str              .              length              >              0              &&              str              .              charAt              (              0              )              !==              "/"              ?              "/"              +              str              :              str              ;              }              part              uriFromPath              (              _path              )              {              const              pathName              =              path              .              resolve              (              _path              )              .              supersede              (                              /                \\                /grand              ,              "/"              )              ;              return              encodeURI              (              "file://"              +              ensureFirstBackSlash              (              pathName              )              )              ;              }              loader              .              config              (              {              paths:              {              vs:              uriFromPath              (              path              .              join              (              __dirname              ,              "../node_modules/monaco-editor/min/vs"              )              )              }              }              )              ;            

There were several issues about this topic that can be helpful too - i two three 4

And if y'all utilize electron with monaco and react and have faced an issue different than the above-discribed ones, please let us know to brand this section more helpful

For Next.js users

Similar other React components, this ane also works with Next.js without a hitch. The part of the source that should be pre-parsed is optimized for server-side rendering, and then, in usual cases, it will piece of work fine, but if you desire to have access, for instance, to monaco instance yous should be aware that it wants to access the certificate object, and it requires browser environment. Basically you simply need to avert running that role out of browser environment, at that place are several means to do that. The ane is described here

And if yous utilize monaco with Next.js and accept faced an issue different than the above-described one, please permit united states of america know to brand this section more helpful

Create your own editor

Under the hood this library uses @monaco-editor/loader that provides a utility called loader. The loader utility is a drove of functions that are being used to setup monaco editor into your browser. loader.init() handles the whole initialization process and returns the example of the monaco - loader.init().so(monaco => console.log("hither is the monaco isntance:", monaco)). The Editor component uses this utility, gains access to monaco example and creates the editor. Here is the implementation of the Editor component. Yous can employ the same technique to create your own Editor. You can but import the loader utility, access to monaco instance, and create your ain editor with your own custom logic. The shortest way to do information technology:

{ const wrapper = certificate.getElementById("root"); = "100vh"; const properties = { value: "part hello() {\due north\talert(\"Hello world!\");\n}", language: "javascript", } monaco.editor.create(wrapper, properties); }); ">

              import              loader              from              "@monaco-editor/loader"              ;              loader              .              init              (              )              .              then              (              monaco              =>              {              const              wrapper              =              document              .              getElementById              (              "root"              )              ;              wrapper              .              fashion              .              height              =              "100vh"              ;              const              properties              =              {              value:              "function hello() {\northward\talert(\"Hello globe!\");\n}"              ,              language:              "javascript"              ,              }              monaco              .              editor              .              create              (              wrapper              ,              properties              )              ;              }              )              ;            

That's all. You can wrap it into a React component, or Vue, or Angular or leave information technology as vanilla i or whatsoever you want; it's written in pure js



It's always important to have a place, where you lot tin play with the internals of the library. The playground is a minimal React app that directly uses the sources of the library. And then, if you lot are going to open a PR, or desire to check something, or just want to try the freshest state of the library, you can run the playground and enjoy information technology

  • clone the repository
git clone
  • go to the library folder
  • install the library's dependencies
  • get to the playground
  • install the playground's dependencies
  • and run the playground
              monaco-react ├── playground │   ├── src/      # playground sources ├── src/          # library sources └── ...                          

If yous want to change something in the library, get to monaco-react/src/..., the library will be automatically re-built and the playground will use the latest build



Name Type Default Description
defaultValue string Default value of the current model
defaultLanguage string Default language of the current model
defaultPath string Default path of the electric current model. Will exist passed as the third argument to .createModel method - monaco.editor.createModel(..., ..., monaco.Uri.parse(defaultPath))
value string Value of the current model
language enum: ... Linguistic communication of the electric current model (all languages that are supported by monaco-editor)
path string Path of the current model. Will be passed as the 3rd statement to .createModel method - monaco.editor.createModel(..., ..., monaco.Uri.parse(defaultPath))
theme enum: "light" | "vs-dark" "low-cal" The theme for the monaco. Available options "vs-dark" | "lite". Define new themes past monaco.editor.defineTheme
line number The line to jump on information technology
loading React Node "Loading..." The loading screen before the editor volition exist mounted
options object {} IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions
overrideServices object {} IEditorOverrideServices
saveViewState boolean true Indicator whether to save the models' view states betwixt model changes or not
keepCurrentModel boolean false Indicator whether to dispose the current model when the Editor is unmounted or non
width matrimony: number | string "100%" Width of the editor wrapper
acme matrimony: number | string "100%" Height of the editor wrapper
className string Class name for the editor container
wrapperClassName string Form name for the editor container wrapper
beforeMount func noop Signature: part(monaco: Monaco) => void
An event is emitted before the editor is mounted. It gets the monaco case as a get-go argument
onMount func noop Signature: function(editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor, monaco: Monaco) => void
An event is emitted when the editor is mounted. It gets the editor instance as a first argument and the monaco example as a 2nd
onChange func Signature: function(value: string | undefined, ev: monaco.editor.IModelContentChangedEvent) => void
An event is emitted when the content of the current model is changed
onValidate func noop Signature: function(markers: monaco.editor.IMarker[]) => void
An event is emitted when the content of the current model is changed and the current model markers are ready


Name Type Default Description
original string The original source (left ane) value
modified cord The modified source (right one) value
linguistic communication enum: ... Language for the both models - original and modified (all languages that are supported by monaco-editor)
originalLanguage enum: ... This prop gives you the opportunity to specify the linguistic communication of the original source separately, otherwise, it will get the value of the language property
modifiedLanguage enum: ... This prop gives you the opportunity to specify the linguistic communication of the modified source separately, otherwise, it will become the value of language property
originalModelPath string Path for the "original" model. Will exist passed as a 3rd argument to .createModel method - monaco.editor.createModel(..., ..., monaco.Uri.parse(originalModelPath))
modifiedModelPath string Path for the "modified" model. Will exist passed equally a third statement to .createModel method - monaco.editor.createModel(..., ..., monaco.Uri.parse(modifiedModelPath))
keepCurrentOriginalModel boolean simulated Indicator whether to dispose the electric current original model when the DiffEditor is unmounted or not
keepCurrentModifiedModel boolean fake Indicator whether to dispose the current modified model when the DiffEditor is unmounted or not
theme enum: "lite" | "vs-nighttime" "calorie-free" The theme for the monaco. Available options "vs-dark" | "light". Define new themes by monaco.editor.defineTheme
line number The line to jump on it
loading React Node "Loading..." The loading screen before the editor will be mounted
options object {} IDiffEditorConstructionOptions
width union: number | string "100%" Width of the editor wrapper
height union: number | string "100%" Height of the editor wrapper
className cord Class name for the editor container
wrapperClassName string Class name for the editor container wrapper
beforeMount func noop Signature: role(monaco: Monaco) => void
An event is emitted before the editor mounted. It gets the monaco instance as a first statement
onMount func noop Signature: function(editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor, monaco: Monaco) => void
An event is emitted when the editor is mounted. It gets the editor instance every bit a commencement argument and the monaco example as a second





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